With thanks to the cool cool O Miami for the ode to the zip code idea, visitors to our booth wrote their our own zip odes at the Summer Festival of the Arts.
4 Shops and restaurants galore
4 Something for everyone here
5 Lawns are manicured, people walk
1 dogs
2 in Boardman
4 I’m in a township
4 with my six chickens
5 I have the best neighbors
1 everyone
4 on a cut-through street
4 I live here always
4 since I was born
4 in the same house
7 white, small, big comfy porch, small kitties
1 home
4 This is my ode
4 to my zip code
4 place where I live
4 and I like my
2 two cats
4 I love Lake Milton
4 We have lots of seagulls
4 Best neighbors on street
2 Happy home
9 Our home is a family legacy in the community
4 Home sweet home again
4 new and old together
5 smells, familiar, cozy, crazy, ride
1 sweet
2 surprise us
4 My gift of life
4 sometimes delight or not
5 often bright and cheerful too
1 maybe
1 both
4 West and South Side
4 Youngstown is the best
5 We are so full of pride
1 No
1 Contest
4 Outside above my skylight
4 the leaves glitter gold
5 as long as sun shines
5 Oh darn, it’s cloudy today
1 My
6 house is on the corner of
1 a
5 lovely place you can visit!
4 Tomatoes in the sun
4 the old piano creaks.
4 My dog and me.
2 I’m home.
4 I love my home
4 God has truly blessed
4 our family. To live
4 in our lovely house,
6 with my family, we will grow.
4 Woods, country, deer, frogs
4 peace, crickets, trees, grass
4 birds, quiet, cool, dark
1 nice
4 Not my forever place
4 it's ok for now
4 one day the beach
6 I do love the corn fields
1 Look
6 for the helpers when overcome by
1 hate
5 for without love you have
4 The sun is shining
4 it is really hot
4 it's time to go
4 but I'm still writing
6 Enjoy the rest of the summer!
4 Within my zip code
4 all voices are represented.
5 You need not look far.
1 Community
2 is everywhere.
4 Our neighborhood is rad
4 it's good, not bad
4 friendly faces all around
3 Love this township
8 a place our small family can grow together
4 A green to grow
4 lay to watch clouds
4 listen to the music
6 Beside the gazebo our historic center
4 Empty yards fill with
4 weeds, woodchucks, wrens & wonder
5 decaying mattresses and wild cats
1 abound.
4 Not exactly West Side
4 but also not Canfield
5 smack dab in the middle
1 uniquely
1 Austintown
4 In spring the lindens
4 perfume the walk, my
5 neighbors come out for armfuls
4 of lilacs. Hello. Hello.