Finding the Poem in Family Stories
“Everyone loves a story,” wrote the poet Philip Levine. And surely we all have them—how Aunt Ruby lost her only diamond. How you lost your virginity! “You think you have a right/to know everything?” Levine goes on to ask in his poem, A Story, that is not, in fact, a narrative—no plot, no chronological beginning, middle, end--but a poem with story lurking at its edges. In this generative workshop, poet Pauletta Hansel will provide several examples of poems that use story to do their lyrical work, and provide some prompts to get us writing.
Wednesday, June 1 at 5:00 PM at the Soap Gallery, 117 S. Champion St. All ages and experience levels welcome. Register here. Registration fee is $20; hardship sponsorships are available ( We invite you to stay for Pauletta's reading with Marjorie Maddox at 7:00.
Meet the teaching artist: Pauletta Hansel’s books include Heartbreak Tree, Friend, Coal Town Photograph and Palindrome, winner of the 2017 Weatherford Award for Appalachian poetry; her writing was featured in Oxford American, Verse Daily and Poetry Daily. Pauletta was Cincinnati’s first Poet Laureate and past managing editor of Pine Mountain Sand & Gravel.